Bible study resources
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book/ podcast recommendations
Genesis Unbound Book
Old Testament scholar John Sailhamer shines new light on the opening chapters of the Bible, revealing how centuries-old misunderstandings have continued to shape popular biblical interpretation — as well as greatly contributing to unnecessary conflicts between the Bible and science.
The Jesus style book
The Jesus Style is a servant leadership approach through lifestyle, by Gayle Erwin. It’s a classic and foundational book for Christians.
The Autobiography of George Muller Book
George Müller, a rebellious thief transformed into a humble servant of God, longed for his life to be a living manifestation of the strength and power of Christ. This book will lead you to pray about all things and see those prayers answered.
The Pour Over Podcast
Politically neutral, Christ first, news source
Commended App
Gain deeper understanding of the bible through focused, applicable devotions.
The Jesus Revolution Movie
A powerful true story of revival, rock and roll, and newfound love. Jesus’ love has no boundaries.
My tech wise life Book
Thoughts written by 19 year old Amy Crouch to her father on growing up and making choices in a world of devices.
Winning the War in your Mind Book
Do your thoughts and your life feel out of your control? Have you found yourself in a spiral of unhealthy thinking? Let God's truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Book
How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World
FAVORITE resources
The Bible Project
Experience the Bible as a unified story that leads us to Jesus
Learn about the beliefs of the Foursquare denomination
Blue letter bible
Online Bible search and study tool